Wednesday, October 1, 2008

~~ October 1 ~~ Our First Anniversay


Hi, this is Click here if you want to know>>>YUKU and welcome to the 1st Anniversary blog from TrulyNeutral.

October 1 to be exact, but heck, what's better than a little early celebration? ;)

Yes, that's me and I'm coming out. No, not gay, but free to be me.

I'm so excited about TN's first anniversay, I figured what better way to celebrate than to share with all of you my identity. You might say 'is she nuts?' or 'who gives a damn?, lol, but oh well, too late now.

You might not know me from the CB, but I've been there since June 7, 2003. I wasn't one of the well knowns on Clay Street. I was with a group in 'Calling All Clayfans' at the CB. We had a ThreadKiller thread for a very long time there. We lasted until our last Annual Halloween Threadjacking. We were called out on it by the mods due to some complaints by the more serious fans, so the others moved on from the CB to different sites. It was a blast though and I hope some of you will remember it and even joined in the fun.

Will I be banned at the CB, the OFC or other Clay sites? I hope not. I've never stopped enjoying Clay Aiken.

I just had a different path to take to support him while hoping it would help others as well, that might have been thinking along the same lines. I also felt it would be a good place to bring opposing opinions by the non fans, so we could better understand each others point of view. I think, to some extent that it has worked remarkably well, and for that I'm very proud to have been and be a part of.

I'm not expecting anyone to expose themselves for who they are at other Clay sites. It isn't any ones business unless you want it to be. You will remain anonymous' here as long as you want without any fear from me.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate each and everyone of you for being members here at TN. There have been good times and yes bad, but the level of intelligence in your comments has been exceptional.

Last, but not by any means least...THANK YOU for being here and making TrulyNeutral the blog it was meant to be!

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