Sunday, January 4, 2009

SPAMALOT.....the end

January 4.
Today will be Clay's last performance as Sir Robin in Spamalot.

From most of what I've read and heard, from the media and yes, the fans, I'd say his 2 runs on Broadway were a rousing success.

Will there be Broadway in Clay's future. I think if he wants it, it will be there for him.

Is there going to be 'Spamalot', the movie? If so, I hope Clay is offered his Sir Robin part and will take it.

Sure, I've seen clips of David Hyde Pierce playing the part, but think he played the part 'too dry'. I loved his 'Niles' in Frasier though. As a matter of fact, he's the reason I watched Frasier all those years.

But Clay, I think, brought something new and different as Sir Robin and for that believe he'd be better suited for the movie role.

But if it's not to be, then bring on the new cd Clay, but please, no sloooow love songs on this one.

Stage door 1-3-09

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