Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well now...can it get any slower than this? Will it get even slower? Slow to the point of 'no return'?

I wonder sometimes if Clay isn't just tired of us all...bloggers, fans, Claymates, the OFC and well, just everything that's related to being a celebrity.

Heh, bloggers...that's probably a given. LOL

What makes me pose the question though is; isn't it past time for renewal announcements for the OFC? Is Clay done blogging to his fans?

Okay, so it has been said that he's taking a vacation. Hell yeh, why not? Everyone deserves a vacation. I just find it odd that after Spamalot and the GFI event, there wasn't a blog to let his fans know he'll be out of touch for a while.

Tthat's not to say he should tell the members what's he's doing, but just a 'hello' gesture, so to speak. Heaven forbid some find out what he'll be doing or where he's going; he'd never get any peace, so I 'get' that.

But, nary a word is odd to me. I don't recall it being this way in the past when there was a 'Clay drought'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about it...but I sure as hell am curious.

Doesn't a celebrity that's going to remain a celebrity want to stay in touch with those that support him? Especially with the faithful at the OFC that are there waiting day after day after day. And he still doesn't throw them a bone...then what does it all mean? Ya know?

Is he going to just pack it all in and say 'to hell with it'?

Is he really just burnt out on it all, so much so that he doesn't wish to communicate right now?

Or is there something exciting on the horizon that will make
the fans stand up and take notice?

Curious I am!

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