Amazing as it is, my favorite song from Tried and True is 'It's Impossible'.
Why is that amazing you ask? Well, I'll tell ya (as if I haven't before, lol);
I. DON'T. LIKE. SLOW. SONGS. I mean, hellooooo.....Borrrrr-ing.
But, for some reason, not this slow song.
I'm not sure what it is about this one. Maybe it's the way Clay's singing it. The voice seems a little raspy which gives it more heart and I don't hear that breathiness that I don't care for. YAY.
More than those 2 items, it sounds very sincere, as if he's singing it with meaning towards someone. Well done, IMO.
2nd on the playlist is, shockingly, 'It's Only Make Believe'.
I totally didn't expect to like this at.all. I mean, I played Conways Twitty's version on the old 45; or was it 33 1/3, over and over again back in the day.
But I like this more upbeat, jazzed up, big band swing laden version A.LOT.
Yes, there are only 2 songs on the player above. No, it's not because I don't like them, but because I haven't had time to add more yet. In time, I may add more.
Your turn.
Please share your favorites from TnT.
Are there any you don't like; or some you'll skip entirely?
Me? My least favorites are Crying, Moon River and You Don't Have to Say You Love Me.
Skippers: Crying, Moon River and YDHTSYLM ^^^^.
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