Sunday, June 20, 2010

Favorites, Dislikes and Skippers

Amazing as it is, my favorite song from Tried and True is 'It's Impossible'.

Why is that amazing you ask? Well, I'll tell ya (as if I haven't before, lol);
I. DON'T. LIKE. SLOW. SONGS. I mean, hellooooo.....Borrrrr-ing.

But, for some reason, not this slow song.

I'm not sure what it is about this one. Maybe it's the way Clay's singing it. The voice seems a little raspy which gives it more heart and I don't hear that breathiness that I don't care for. YAY.

More than those 2 items, it sounds very sincere, as if he's singing it with meaning towards someone. Well done, IMO.

2nd on the playlist is, shockingly, 'It's Only Make Believe'.

I totally didn't expect to like this at.all. I mean, I played Conways Twitty's version on the old 45; or was it 33 1/3, over and over again back in the day.

But I like this more upbeat, jazzed up, big band swing laden version A.LOT.

Yes, there are only 2 songs on the player above. No, it's not because I don't like them, but because I haven't had time to add more yet. In time, I may add more.

Your turn.

Please share your favorites from TnT.
Are there any you don't like; or some you'll skip entirely?

Me? My least favorites are Crying, Moon River and You Don't Have to Say You Love Me.

Skippers: Crying, Moon River and YDHTSYLM ^^^^.

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