Sunday, June 6, 2010

Singing to WIN

I was thinking about something I said a while ago, here at TrulyNeutral...that Clay needs to sing like he's in competition again. Well, that's exactly what I feel when I listen to TnT.
Clay Aiken is back and 'that voice' is working it again.

Whatever he's done; whether it be voice training, taking time off, letting go of some stress in his life, whatever it was, it is noticeable when he sings.

And I like it, just as I did back in 2003 when he was in competition. He sang to win and I feel as if that is exactly what he's doing again; singing to win!

Okay, I don't get this:
'It's Impossible'. Probably the slowest song on the cd....and you all know I DON'T.LIKE.SLOW, but what the......'It's Impossible' is beautifully done; arrangement wise/voice wise/heartwrenchingwise/tearjerkingwise, just plain exceptional.

I never in a million years would have expected to like that one.

There are others I like as well, although I didn't expect to.
Oh well, I don't mind being wrong.....when it's for the right reason. :-)

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