Sunday, November 7, 2010

'Damn it' Clay or 'Go' Clay. You decide.

When you're not touring, releasing a cd, promoting something, etc., you are indeed 'invisible'. Just as you ironically sang about many moons ago.

LoL, I guess you got your wish. Not that that's a bad thing if that's what you want though. More power to do it 'your way'.

In the meantime, while you're invisible, so are a lot of your fans. You know, the ones that you're not in touch with. The ones that don't follow you around the country when you tour, go to every gala or charity function.

The thing is, they don't want to necessarily do all that. They just want to know if you're still interested your career. You do, after all, stay out of the spotlight,  out of touch, so to speak, when you have nothing going on.

I mean, there is 'privacy'....then there's 'Howard Hughes'. lol

But when you disappear entirely during a hiatus, well, isn't that a bit counter productive?

I dunno. To be honest, for me, just reading this as I'm writing, I realize, for me, it doesn't matter. I have so much going on to deal with that it's ok to wait until you're back touring, releasing a cd or whatever.

Some may say, "well, that's the same way Clay may feel."

True, but being in the entertainment business, one would think you should be a bit more in touch with your fan base.

For me, it's actually better at this point in my life though.

The excitement and fluff was great in the beginning, but like a marriage, the honeymoon can't last forever.

And I'm okay with that. Truthfully, I think that's the way you want it to be.

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