Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Clay's Reveal


Link: Eonline

Clay Aiken is joining the ranks of the out and proud.

The unlikely heartthrob, whose Southern gentlemanliness has made the young'uns love him and their moms want to pinch his cheeks, has revealed that he is gay in an upcoming cover story for People magazine, on newsstands Wednesday.

So whether you're saying "Huh?!" or "About time!" this is the new state of the Claynation.

"We can confirm that Clay Aiken and his son are featured on the next issue of People" is all the magazine would say in response to questions about its leaked cover, which boasts the pullout quote: "Yes, I'm gay."

"I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things," he says.

The 29-year-old pop star's sexuality came under increased scrutiny when he admitted to fathering a child with fiftysomething Jaymes Foster, sister of famed music producer David Foster.

Parker Foster Aiken was born Aug. 8 in North Carolina, with Aiken writing on his blog that all families involved were "thrilled."

(Originally published Sept. 23, 2008 at 3:35 p.m. PT)

Here's to you Clay! Photobucket
May you find peace and much love in your life.

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