Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh No, not again with the blog synopsis

Gee, thanks Clay. How'd you know I needed a new blog too. LOL

So, here's the gist.

Clay has a sinus infection. Photobucket Oops, make that 'Snus' infection for the haters of the vowel 'i'. 'Ouch', if that won't make you forget about the snus infection, nothing will. Just kidding. Heaven knows he's going to get razzed on that typo.

Be on the lookout for i believe in Santa Claus.

Moving on... Clay says he shouldn't have performed Sunday as it was ATROCIOUS. Now, not being a mind reader I don't know if he meant the infection or his performance. Being that I've had those dreaded infections I would imagine that it'd be both.

DR. to Clay...stay out until Thursday. As if. He says he'll just get too bored. Therefore he'll more than likely go back tomorrow.

Passing the time while he's out sick, he decided to figure out his personality and we should try it 'for fun' too. Wanna try it? Wanna see what you find out about yourself? Clay says we'll probably try to find out about him too. Well ok Clay, if you insist. LOL

Alrighty then, here's the place: LINK

Seriously Clay, get rid of plenty of fluids Photobucket .......er....I mean
plenty of fluids and I hope you get to feeling better soon...but not your kind of soon. LOL

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