Thursday, November 6, 2008

Synopsis of the Blogeth of Clay

Alrighty then. Clay blogged. As you all know, I won't copy and paste the blog here, so I'll try to give you a synopsis.

Mind you, I'm not good at this AT.All.

Here goes:

Tell him want you want; what you really really want. But first off he lets us know that the speculations on hurting an ankle and having laryngitis were incorrect and he thought that was crack up worthy and we're not as good as guessing as we thought.

What he had; what he really really had was a bit of tendonitis and cough from the dry air.

He figures if he's out of the show for more than a day, we'll speculate that he's in a coma or something; and a 'ha ha' added here because he lol'd.

Now, on to the serious stuff.

Clay really hates asking for money. Really. But there is a benefit coming up (Broadway Cares fundraising), so instead of just asking for donations he'd like to know we want in lieu of pictures on stage; Now, these ideas need to be within reason and he'll try to offer something we'd like.

No, I doubt it'll be someone getting to sing in the studio with him or anything like that, ya know? Although......... Clay, that's not a bad idea if I do say so myself. *pats self on back.

If it is pictures that everyone wants then, so be it, that's what it will be.

Ideas need to be forthcoming PDQ, as the fundraising starts this weekend.

So, tell him want you want; what you really really want. Hand crafted doilies crocheted by him, or if you're tired of donating, tell him to stuff it. He gets that if it's the case.

BUT if you're willing to donate then tell him what you want, what you really really want. God, he feels like a whore!!!

If you wanna know more about what Broadway Cares does, and has done for twenty years... check them out at

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