Saturday, February 21, 2009

Drama/RCA/Clay Aiken

Yup, that's the way I see it. So much drama since Clay's no longer with RCA.

The naysayers with their constant droning of 'haha told you so, Clay is done' drama to the defender fans and their 'OMG Happy Dance land' antics.

What if potential new labels are reading the message boards and see all of the disdain the fans have for the label that signed Clay and gave him a chance. Will that deter them from getting involved with Clay? I think there's always that possibility.

Who knows, maybe it would work in reverse. Naaah, probably not.

Heck, maybe Clay isn't even looking for a new label.

But, he does still have a publicist. Hmmmm, that must mean something as far as him having something in mind for his next career move.

But sorry, I just think the RCA/Clay drama is ridiculous and I for one will be glad when it's over with.

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