Saturday, March 7, 2009

Clay's PUBLIC blog.

03/06/09 Hate to burst your bubble.

While it may be tough to hear... I have not "friended" any of y'all on Facebook.

Thanks to a few good friends, I've discovered that someone is pretending to be me on there. BIG SHOCKER! And though, I normally ignore such BS, I've learned that this person (who obviously has too much time on their hands) is being inappropriately rude with some fans, and that pisses me off a bit! ;-)

While I do have a Facebook page, I have opted to keep it pretty private and really only use it rarely to keep in touch with my "Spam-Fam", my LA peeps, and a few longtime friends from home. Just wanted to make you aware... if you've "friended" me on Facebook, you've "friended" a wacko and a poser.

If you wanna stay friends with a wacko and a poser, feel free... but I know y'all have much higher standards! ;-)

Feel free to spread the word! :-)

love ya, c

Go get em Clay!

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