Sunday, November 22, 2009

In the News again....That's Clay Aiken!

We all know by now Clay is in the news again. GOP contests Aikens vote.

Will he get a slap on the wrist; fined with a community service sentence or do you think he'll have to spend some time in the slammer?

Slammer. Yeh, I know, sounds a bit harsh, but that's how we Saggitarians roll. LOL. We tend to speak first a lot, then think later.

Clay's not too young to not know any better, so I think he really needs to try real hard to alter this 'speak first think later' trait. It's not as easy as it seems though, but for the sake of his family, his career, and his own peace of mind, he needs to work on it.

This voter fraud being a felony offense,
(if he is in fact guilty), I imagine it could go either way. Obviosly it's a wait and see what happens thing.

What do you think? Should he just get a strong reprimand, community service, or more?

Do you think this will affect his relationship with DECCA?

His ambassadorship with Unicef?

His own charity, the National Inclusion Project?

And last but not least; fans?

How will this affect the ones that are left and any that might have been drawn in when a new cd is released? Is it too late now?

I'd love to hear your opinion.

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