Saturday, November 14, 2009

RE: Table Scraps

C'mon Clay, don't let the table scraps pile up in your brain for weeks on end.... as you say. You get all rushed and stuff to spit things out and forget about filtering.

Ohhhhh wait, I bet that's just the way you want it to be. Yup, makes sense to me. I mean, before, when you were cautious about your every word, you were attacked for it, so yeh, why not speak your mind? After all, you can be real now, right?

Nope, guess not. You're still being ridiculed; not for being close mouthed and quiet, but for being honest about your feelings.

So, fuck it, you might as well do it the way it makes you happy since either way, you're screwed. And you know what? I think you know that and just don't give a damn. Why should you give a damn anyway? Be real. Hell yeh! Then, maybe, just maybe, in time... those that criticize you, no matter which way you speak out, will have a wake up call and realize your being true now; to yourself, the fans, the media and what not.

Ye-yah, I'm rambling. I just got back from seeing the movie '2012'. Holy shit what awesome special effects. But frightening in the sense that it could/will all end some day. long as you or any one of us isn't committing a crime and has something to say, to vent, to express, then let it out if it's the real you.

  • This blog subject for an opinion change by the blog owner. I am after all, female and under doomsday duress.
  • Blog owner does not recommend mouthing off to officers of the law.
  • Blog owner does not recommend calling your boss a shithead.
  • Or your spouse, children, parents or grandparents, for that matter.
  • Blog owner has been under the weather recently so may not be using full mind capacity.
  • Blog owner has 'ban' button.

  • Seriously though. I think it was fine for Clay to speak out, but maybe should have filtered out idiots and dumbass.

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