Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Comment Box

Good morning everyone.

Sometime today I will have to update from Haloscan to Echo.

Those of you that are familiar with other blogs that have haloscan have probably already seen what the new comment box is like.

True, it will take some getting used to, but once you realize you can post pictures, youtubes, etc., I think it'll be worth the change.

I'll be working on getting it set up today as the deadline is fast approaching.

FYI, we shouldn't lose the current comments, but hey, ya never know with these changes. I know I posted in the comments that we would, but after re-reading the notice, found out that the comments already made should be safe.

We'll see soon enough...well, sometime today actually since I'm checking it all out right now.

See you later on the new comment box.

FYI, when someone posts a link, hold down the control button at the same time you click on the link. This way it opens in a new window. Otherwise you'd have to backspace to get back to the comments.

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