Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Clay...and other Clay stuff along the way

Yeh, yeh, I know I'm late, but I had some creatin' to do. And you know, it's like...hmmm, that looks good, no it doesn't, take that out, make this smaller, wait I can't see that, make it bigger, hmmmmm, that won't fit, put it in here, wait!; not enough movement....and so on and on and can take a long time to get it just the way you like it! LOL

Happy 30th birthday Clay

Here's some of the Q&A from yesterday just in case you missed them:
I know, there's lots, but a synopsis would have taken forever!


Have you ever tried Rick's Ni stilts? Said no...there are rules about that stuff and he can't.

What blue collar job would you take if you had to?? That gave him pause and he said...hard to answer don't know where the line is that starts blue collar jobs. He doesn't like getting manual labor. He is too lazy.

What is your favorite Spam scene you are not in? Not had a chance to see the show when he is in it. But after Rosie came back for the show and watched and saw the Concorde scene when he gets shot and he thinks that was the funniest and I guess his favorite.

If you could sit down with Barack Obama for 30 minutes what would you tell him? Would say that he would talk about funding things like Unicef and the needs of the children in the world. Right now Unicef cannot raise funds for Iran in the US due to the current government policies. Hopes that the new administration will not be so separatist/isolationist and will allow Unicef to do that. He said he usually doesn't get so political but there you go.

I got to ask him if anyone has done a practical joke on him on the set of Spamalot. It was so wonderful to have him point at me...and say the purple sweater and the red Broadway Cares ribbon...he has this way of just focusing on who he is talking to that is so amazing. He said not that he remembers...or if they did he didnt' realize it. But now he is pretty sure since Jenny Hill was there that he was going to get it on his closing night of Spam. He related again that time when the guy was leaving and on his last night they punked him in the I too have found my grail scene...and didnt' tell Clay either...and the guy just solo'd on the What is your grail line....

Someone asked about his post Spam plans and if he would do another Broadway play. He said that he misses singing and if he was to do something again he would try to have more singing in the role. He sang a teensey weensy Ahhhhhh when he answered that he misses singing. But he is not planning on doing anything right away...going to do some BAF work and Unicef work. They also have some other things they are working on but can't say what they are since they aren't finalized.

Someone asked if any song from Spam gets stuck in his head. He said its Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. It's not YWSOB...he said you can't get that stuck in your head. He said Jaymes get mad at him because he comes home from the play singing that song and she is getting tired of hearing it.

Evidently the Civil War play that Sarah is in is coming to Broadway...asked if he would do it since he sang it to the President. It was a funny discussion because he said...they are doing the play? Where? Oh Here? Broadway? no I haven't heard about it...I guess they didn't like my version of no one asked him to be in it.

He loves being in Spamalot because it's a team working to a common stars...just everyone working to put on a great show. Not all on his shoulders when your name is on the ticket. On Idol they would do group songs but they were still competing with each other.

Someone asked if he was learning to play guitar since he had talked about it once in an interview although she doesn't remember when. He said...I bet someone here remembers and I said that?? I must have been tired when I said it. He said no...not taking lessons and that he can't even get through Chop Sticks on the show without messing up. But that if the ability to play could just get bestowed upon him then that would be great.

Someone asked what is the best thing he has done in the past 5 years. Long pause...this happened a couple of the Barack Question where he really had to think first. He said that is hard to answer because he has liked it all...but if he could do Idol again without the danger of getting cut he would do that. He also loves the process of creating a tour...although by the end of the run of the tour you are tired of doing it.

What is the attribute you think that artists have to do to keep their fans? Long pause again. He said...well..he said to keep it new and don't do the same thing over and over and to keep it fresh.

Asked what his favorite Thanksgiving food was other than turkey...he said he doesn't know. He said he spent Thanksgiving alone and likely ordered in. That got a big awwwwwwww......

Someone asked if he could do a Variety Show, a reality show or a movie version of Spam what would he do? It was funny because he said...well...after the other night a Variety Show was not going to happen in a very snarky tone. Said he would choose the movie.

He snuck in that he taped something early yesterday....wouldn't say what it was. He sort slid it in the converation when someone asked if we would hear him singing Christmas on NY based show. Said you can by playing MCWL...he doesn't like getting up was said in a very funny was hard getting up for the parade.

Has the last 5 years changed him?? Yes...he hates to say it or admit it but he has become more jaded and guarded.

Someone asked if the fans cheering for him during times like when he sticks his head out of the tower in the guard scene bothers him...he said that the cast loves energy. Doesn't matter who it is directed to. He can note it more this time around on the nights when the audience isn't very full at all and they don't react. It's hard to keep the smile wide...although you wouldn't tell since the cast was so professional and good. Like in the Finland song...he watches it from the tower...and Jenny Hill smiles wide when the audience is dead and when they are full of energy and you couldn't tell the difference.

Part 2

I the beginning he said raise your hands...I will call on you...someone tried to shout out..and he said.. I am a teacher and I don't like that....wait to be called on.

Someone asked if he ever gets starstruck? He said now? No. But he used to. Diane Sawyer was like...oh my it's she is just a friend. Remembers getting in the elevator with Tom Brokaw and getting starstruck then. That was during the Rock Center thing. I guess...that must be the Tree Lighting?? If he gets star struck it's with news people.

If he could play another role on Spam what would it be? He said it would be Tom Deckman's role since he doesn't have to dance in the Camelot scene. And the dancing is killing him.

Does he get upset about things said about him? In school in the 90s they would say Your Momma jokes at him...and he would ask Faye and she would say..doesn't bother her. He didn't understand then but does now. It doesn't bother him. He said he thinks it bothers us more than it bothers him. You don't have to get mad at these people who trash him and put dung on their doors and stuff like that.

He misses touring. He would love to get back to touring in the summer.

Someone asked about overseas touring...He said well...did you all hear about Atlantic records and that digital sales were greater than hard CD sales? (I posted that article...*g*) He said that the music business is in deep trouble and is tanking and doesn't like to take chances. And to tour overseas they have to release his album there and promote it and because they don't want to take chances in the current business climate it's not likely to happen so he doesn't think overseas touring is going to happen.

Someone asked about his favorite news channel. He said he used to really like Anderson Cooper..but now it's all too much about Anderson Cooper. He aid he likes CNN and Heidi Collins and who she works with (didn't get the name). What he likes are the news programs that don't give their opinion..even if he agrees with it...he just wants the facts.

Are you going to work with Kipper again? This is what brought up the covers issue. I know it's roiling the boards...I knew it when he answered the question and used that word covers. He knew it too. He said this is probably going to make some of you mad but when he talked about it. He said he loves ATDW even though he knows many of us don't like it. He has been talking with Jaymes about what they are going to do on the next album. This is my opinion because he didn't say anything but it sounds like he is still with RCA. I didn't get the impression we are free and clear of RCA at all from what he said. /opinion. He said when he does the songs and when he tries to please himself it doesn't work...and when he tries to please people it doesn't work...he can't figure it out. It's likely that the next album will be covers. He said his favorite song is "A Thousand Days" and his favorite album is ATDW. He loved singing on Idol and that was all covers. He loved the JBT and that was all covers. People said yes we love the JBT and a tour for the JBT 2 would be good.

His favorite late night show is Jimmy Kimmel. That got a awww.and yeah!

He reiterated he won't be extending his run to Jan 11th.

Said that after Spam he is going to do some BAF and Unicef work and take a short break. There are things in the works that he can't talk to us about.

Someone asked about if he and Jerome have played practical jokes on others and what was his favorite? His answer was the joke they played on Jacob at the Pittsburgh concert. Someone proposed to Jacobs girlfriend in the audience. They hired them to do it. Jacob was crying when she said yes. He said that was the best one.

When he is on stage...sometimes he does the braiding of the ribbons..sometimes he sings does he decide what to do? He said that now when he really knows the role he never plans it and never knows until the moment comes and he just goes with the feeling he has at the moment on the stage.

Someone asked what charity what charity he would work for if he didn't have what he does now? He said there is a foundation that works children and education...I missed the name...something Foundation for something.

Heh...he said Hell at one moment...and just said...yeah...I cussed. He then proceeded to cuss two more times saying Hell...and people said that's 3! He looked at us and said maybe he just likes that word. He was cute when he did it...

If he could be on a show on tv what would it be? He said that is hard...all his favorites are getting cancelled. He would have loved to be on ER but it's getting canceled. He is over liking Boston Legal. He said he would have to say The Closer or 30 Rock would be great to be on.

All in all...that was just the most amazing experience. Please remember the words I have written are missing the funny snarky delivery we got...and the smiles, and the laughter...which there was a lot of. And a lot of love. He was snarky...and he was just so happy and looked so grounded and happy in his own skin. I am also going from hastily messy notes and subject to my own filters.

He didn't want to use the mike...said he felt he was being too loud when he used it and tried without it at the beginning but it wasn't loud enough. He found a good middle ground by resting it on his knee and then just talking.

Now, one final thing. I am pissed!

When I went out yesterday I decided to play music, so I picked OMWH since I hadn't listened to it for a long time.

Well damn it, there is no reason that Ashes or EIDN shouldn't have been hits! They're really good songs, IMO and I'm sorry for Clay that this CD wasn't a 'true' success.

Okay, that's all for now. I hope you were able to find the bottom of this blog. :)


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